Subcontractor contract is a common type of contracts normally entered into between two parties where one is general contractor and other subcontractor. It is a type of contracts often used in construction field to accomplish construction projects with the help of other subcontractors. It is a legal document to demonstrate the rights and work responsibilities of both parties (contractor and subcontractor) like scope of work to be done, estimated money or cost that will be charged, time frame when the work will be accomplished and other terms and conditions related to the contract. Duties and responsibilities of contractor and subcontractor may be different as per terms of the contract. Contractor is a person who responsible to report the overall project or work progress whereas a subcontractor only liable for a specific task or sort of work.
Contractor receives the cost or payment of the work done by client or customer and a subcontractor directly paid by the general contractor. One needs to write a subcontractor agreement in easy to understand language with all vital details. Writing of a subcontractor agreement may require extra amount of time and brilliant writing skills to complete it in a best way. Some people ask professional to prepare subcontractor contracts for them. An individual can also write a subcontractor contract personally by using subcontractor contract template.
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